Ténia islet in New Caledonia

Planning your trip

What’s the secret to a successful trip to New Caledonia? Planning! That’s right, when you’re travelling 17,000 km from mainland France, you want to enjoy the best your destination has to offer! To help you plan your trip to our wonderful archipelago, we’ve put together all the essential information you need to know before setting off. You’ll also find themed itineraries suitable for all types of travellers. Make use of our A to Z travel guide, brochures and maps to find your way around, and keep an eye on our regularly updated FAQ. If you want to enjoy New Caledonia without worrying about planning, check out our pages of package holidays created by New Caledonian specialists. Then all you have to do is pack your suitcase! Don’t forget your hat and sunglasses! 

Tours and itineraries

New Caledonia is extremely diverse, offering a wide variety of different stay types. Whether you enjoy outdoor activities, rugged adventures, an authentic experience or total relaxation, there’s a tour to suit you. Check out our themed itinerary ideas for your stay in New Caledonia. Each description has a detailed daily programme for a one-to-three-week stay. It includes restaurant and accommodation recommendations for every budget. Follow the itineraries given or combine them to create a bespoke stay. You’ll also find special “diving” and “hiking” tours: two of New Caledonia’s most popular activities. Making the most of your stay has never been easier!